12 Scavenger Hunt Clues for Easter Weekend 2025
31 Mar 2023
Easter weekend is steeped in celebration and magic. For millions, it’s a religious tradition, a reason for games and hijinks… a valid excuse to tell your children that a man-sized bunny has entered your house and… laid chocolate eggs in all the cupboards?
Ignoring how mental that sounds, everyone loves the chocolate, gatherings and the challenge of a good Easter egg scavenger hunt. And this year’s Easter weekend will be no different.
If you have little ones then you might disagree, having been tasked with thinking up clues for the kiddos. Don’t let that dampen your enthusiasm, though. We have your back this year. Indeed, we’ve written a series of riddles that are:
- Easy enough for kids to untangle
- Also difficult enough to keep grownups entertained
Admittedly, we’ve based our Easter hunt clues around the kitchen, and we’ll point out cool kitchen features along the way – a tall drinks cabinet perfect an Easter cocktail, for example – but don’t hold that against us. As a kitchen company, we couldn’t help ourselves.
Rules of the Game
There are 12 riddles, 12 answers, and set-up should take less time than boiling a kettle. Simply copy the clue list to a Word document, print and cut them into strips, then save one clue to hand to your children to start the game (or friends if you’re adults who can’t get enough of treasure hunt riddles).
Once that’s done, hide a chocolate egg in a location that matches the first riddle's answer alongside another clue. Then repeat the cycle. The order is irrelevant as long as each new location matches the current clue. Say, for instance, Clue 1’s answer is “sink.” Hide chocolate in said sink with Clue 2, which will lead to a second treat and Clue 3. Follow this pattern until all the clues are gone.
Here are four clues to get you started:
CLUE: People know how to tick me off but I never get angry. Instead, I count to 12.
CLUE: Sometimes I’m big. Sometimes I’m little. I cuddle you in bed. What am I?
CLUE: Just like a hole in a boat, I give you water and that feeling.
CLUE: I dry and I dry but I keep getting wetter.
Pantries are Fantastic Hiding Spots
Before we carry on, do you wish you had more places to hide treats? If so, you’d probably also like more storage. Thankfully, we’ve got a solution. It’s the Hathaway pantry!

Offered from 400–1,200 millimetres wide, and including Portland Oak and Tuscan Walnut finishes, this versatile storage feature offers shelves, drawers and wine pigeon holes. No matter whether your kitchen space is grand or quaint, it’s fantastic for hiding all manner of mess… and chocolate eggs!
What’s more, a lifetime guarantee covers all moving parts! That means your Hathaway’s drawers will last forever, even with kids yanking them open, absolutely tanked on sugar.
By the way, here are a few more clues:
CLUE: Folks put their plates in my mouth to clean them.
ANSWER: Dishwasher
CLUE: Shall we play a game I can win for once? Hot, hotter... SCORCHING!
CLUE: I use a drum and make a racket but I'm no rockstar.
ANSWER: Tumble Dryer
CLUE: Looking for chocolate is overrated! I prefer to chill with a cool drink.
ANSWER: Refrigerator
Celebrate in Luxury with Cocktail Display Cabinet
Easter games are exhausting, aren’t they? Shouldn’t adults enjoy it, too? We agree! And why not celebrate the holiday in style with this Connery drinks cabinet. Perhaps it’s wise to avoid hiding scavenger hunt clues for little hands in this decadent cabinet but it’s perfect for adult company.

Reminiscent of classic glamour, this cabinet instantly enhances any kitchen. Available in a range of wood finishes, as well as cabinet door colours and styles, it’ll instantly awaken your inner lord or lady of the manor. Plus, an Anthracite Linen option means you can modernise it with a simple twist.
What better way to celebrate a scavenger hunt well done than with an Irish cream mocktail or a Mini Egg martini after any kids present have vacated the area? Speaking of glorious releases, you’ve earned your last four clues:
CLUE: My mouth's cleaner than a dog's but we both love the taste of socks.
ANSWER: Washing Machine
CLUE: Despite my twirling, I never get hot... but my dance partners do.
ANSWER: Microwave
CLUE: Sleepy adults hate early birds but they love me in the morning.
ANSWER: Coffee Maker
CLUE: I have lots of mouths to feed but people keep giving all my food to the ducks.
ANSWER: Toaster
Hunting for a New Kitchen This Easter?
Coming up with Easter egg hunt riddles for around the house that don’t make you damage a retina rolling your eyes isn’t easy. That said, we think we’ve… ahem… cracked it (sorry). On that note, have fun!
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